
Tax Talk Newsletter Spring 2022

Keeping your business alivein difficult times "It’s the reputation and relationships we’ve built that will get us through . . if you do everything with integrity, you’ll always be rewarded in the long term."Newspaper editor Ian Carson Networking is investing We have been offered the following story for our newsletter. It illustrates the benefit of investing time into networking. When business is buoyant most people ...

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Tax Talk Newsletter Winter 2022

Riding out the tough times Interest rates are soaring, prices for groceries and fuel are rising, and businesses have unreliable supply and cost pressures.  Add staff shortages because of the lingering effects of Covid-19, and some small businesses are under severe stress. The natural reaction of many businesses is usually two-fold: Earn more, and/or spend less. Spending less is the easier option, but many businesses ...

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Tax Talk Newsletter Autumn 2022

Help for your Business during the COVID-19 Omicron Outbreak Money to keep your business running The Government has announced 3 fortnightly COVID 19 Support Payments, with the first payment opening for applications at 8am on 28 February 2022. The amount of each payment is $4,000, plus $400 for each employee (up to 50 employees). You will need to apply for each payment.To ...

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Tax Talk Newsletter Summer 2021/22

Bill passes to restrict tenancy terminations if people are required to stay at home due to a COVID-19 outbreak. The Government has passed legislation that can restrict tenancy terminations when people are required to stay at home due to public health measures. The new legislation will give landlords and tenants clarity and will help support tenants to comply with public health guidance. These ...

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Tax Talk Newsletter Spring 2021

Keep busy, keep in touch Business is booming for trades people.Many in the building industry are run off their feet. This is leading to them ignoring telephone calls and emails with the resulting customer frustration. Trade cycles mean bad times will follow good ones. The time will come again when you will not have as much work as you would wish. At these ...

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