Why workplace wellbeing is important
Providing your team with a safe and healthy workplace is an important part of running a business. If employees feel their wellbeing is being looked after at work, they are usually more productive, healthier, and less stressed. We caught up with Dr Georgi Toma (MA, PhD) founder of Heart and Brain Works, and an expert on employee wellness, to talk about ...

Tax Talk Newsletter Spring 2022
Keeping your business alivein difficult times "It’s the reputation and relationships we’ve built that will get us through . . if you do everything with integrity, you’ll always be rewarded in the long term."Newspaper editor Ian Carson Networking is investing We have been offered the following story for our newsletter. It illustrates the benefit of investing time into networking. When business is buoyant most people ...
Take your cyber security to the next level
Cyber Smart Week is back and will be held between 10-16 October this year. Cyber Smart Week is CERT NZ’s annual campaign aimed at raising awareness of cyber security across Aotearoa. Get Cyber Smart(external link) — CERT NZ CERT NZ director Rob Pope says most New Zealanders are doing something to keep themselves secure online. “This may be as simple as not clicking ...
IRD Credit and debit interest rate change on 30 August
On 30 August 2022 the interest rate on overpaid (credit interest) and underpaid (debit interest) tax will change. This is often called use of money interest, or UOMI. The new rates are: debit interest - 7.96% (up from 7.28%) credit interest - 1.22% (up from 0%). IRD review the rates regularly to make sure they align with market interest rates. Source: ...
Tenancy Services are improving the bond system for tenants and landlords
Tenancy Services has started work on a new and improved online system to process tenancy bonds. The new system will create a better user experience for customers by providing: faster processing when lodging bonds or getting refundsthe ability to check your bond statusself-service features to manage bonds onlinebetter integration for customers using property management softwareimproved support for more complex bond situations.There ...