Employing Staff
Human Resources
Employment Kit - Guide
Your good management of the employment process flows through to all aspects of your business......
Building an Employment Agreement - Guide
All employers must supply a written agreement to new employees .......
Recruitment Questions Examples
Example questions ......
Recruitment - Quick Tip
The recruitment process is a key factor in the success of your business......
Writing position descriptions - Quick Tip
A position description is a product of thinking about what you really want from this position.....
Placing an ad - Quick Tip
Once you have your position description, you can draft your advertisement......
Interviews work better as mutual exchanges of information .....
Trial and probation - Quick Tip
Think about whether you wish to include provisions for a trial or probation period......
Key Performance Indicators
KPI's represent general performance......
Roles in Business - helping you plan
This fact sheet give you some idea of the way roles can be filled .....
Performance Management
It's important that managers give regular and ongoing feedback .....
Behavioural profiling
Behavioural profiling is used to identify behavioural styles ....
Skills Testing
Skills required for a position .......